By Erica Barbara
Welcome Back from the PRSSA and Shadow PR Firm!
As we wipe the sand from our feet and wash the salt from our hair, we now embrace the gorgeous fall weather that signals one thing: school is back in session!
We at Monmouth University’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Chapter are dedicated every year to building an engaged group of pre-professionals, as well as providing public relations resources to all students, faculty, and campus organizations. Through meetings, workshops, guest speakers, events, and more, PRSSA members gain valuable experience and networking opportunities within the multi-faceted PR profession.
New and current members are always invited to our meetings, which take place Wednesdays at 3:00 PM in JP 234. Our office is JP 235A if you have any questions (or would just like to say ‘hello’).
We hope you enjoyed your break, and, on behalf of the PRSSA and Shadow PR Firm, we welcome you to the 2019-2020 academic year!
All the best,
PRSSA and Shadow PR Firm
Instagram: @mushadowpr
Erica Barbara is a senior communications major, with a concentration in PR/Journalism. She is Co-President of Monmouth Shadow PR Firm. Erica has interned for Wunderkind PR and Adapting Social. Erica also writes for the Outlook, Monmouth University newspaper, entertainment section.